_-D1-_ Since this is the thing I get asked about the most, I decided to do a video about making some wooden house with materials you can get early in the game. 1-Wood 2-Natural Stone 3-White Wool
_-D1-_ Since this is the thing I get asked about the most, I decided to do a video about making some wooden house with materials you can get early in the game. 1-Wood 2-Natural Stone 3-White Wool
what about a start from scratch mansion. o my god that would b a long video
Is this 1.9?
Cause the fences are connecting to blocks….
“I love you when your high. *awkward silence* That’s not what I meant!” rofl
Can you please make more videos like this? These are really cool and helpful! Thanks!
i no i just sed the names of a musian Dumbledore
Awesome house is awesome.
Dan, could you put a MCEdit Schematic in the description?
Dan do some more of this but than with smaller houses so i can put them in my village cuz im out of ideas
@MrMackenzied i guess he doesnt have minecraft or just started playing it or watching vids
pro tip for dan when ur placing blocks dont think of chimney or you will be misplacing blocks like him
@Imaboss1998 dude it’s creative mode it’s a mode in the GAME ITSELF it was added in 1.8 and u posted that question 5 hours ago so I don’t know if you didn’t update or what ……..
hey wat is that mod too many items or wat
lol loved the outro
you coud of made it to flours
Dan’s words of wisdom
Im sick too
Could you please leave the link to the download file for the flat world?
@azin231 you can download flat grass maps
@azin231 mcedit
How did you make the world flat?
Dan, can you do a water themed episode for us? Fountains, ponds, pools and such would be fantastic! Thanks.
Hey Dan would you mind doing a Home Design for a Mountain house? Because I really liked the one that you did for “While we wait for 1.8″ anyways
Nice outro
@Drachnid1111 You’re right!
@IciQuebecois I usually do. i was just suggesting he put a pic at the beginning because I always go to the end first and i bet other people do to. So i merely thought that it would be easier on all of us.